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Funny Things to Draw in a Card Funny Things to Say to Your Boss on Bosses Day

Happy boss day messages are just what you need when you want to recognize your manager.

Everyone always hopes they will have a good leader. We all want someone who is thoughtful, listens, and leads by example. Managers need to be able to motivate and inspire their employees to do their best work. It takes a special person to be a boss and that's why we celebrate them on their own day.

Good managers set boundaries, establish rules, and create a work environment that is fair but also nurturing. It isn't easy being a manager. If it was, everybody would be one. On their day, we should recognize the hard work and sacrifice that goes into being a boss.

You can show your appreciation by using one or more of the messages we've created here. There is also a section on ideas on how to celebrate the day below.

Happy Boss Day Messages

1.) We just wanted you to know, we'd be at a loss if you weren't our boss.

2.) For all of your dedication and encouragement, we thank you today.

3.) Wishing you a Happy Boss's Day with great appreciation for all the big and little things you do.

4.) Great jobs start with great bosses. I'm so lucky to be on your team!

5.) Thanks for all that you do to keep our company growing and moving forward.

6.) It's a pleasure to work with a manager who always brings out the best in people.

7.) Our Boss: Where problems go to die. Keep up the great work!

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Our manager and leader image

Happy Boss Day 2020

8.) You inspire us with everything you do.

9.) We couldn't ask for a better supervisor. Everything you do for your employees shows that you care and are willing to put in the extra work.

10.) You have not only been my boss; you've been my mentor through the good and bad times. I couldn't have made it without you.

11.) I'm glad I know you and I'm glad I work for you. Enjoy the day because you're the best boss ever!

12.) Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I couldn't be any happier than working for you.

13.) You were born to be a leader. We all celebrate your leadership and the great person that you are.

14.) There is no question that as our leader you bring positivity to the office. Enjoy your special day!

15.) You are great to work with and I'm so happy to be part of your team!

16.) Leadership is a talent and you've got it. You're a leader who inspires me every day to do my best.

17.) Wishing you a Happy Boss Day with a lot of appreciation for you being my boss.

18.) The best perk of this job is having you as my manager.

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Happy Boss Day Message

19.) One day a year isn't enough to celebrate your awesomeness.

20.) So glad I work for you!

21.) Have a Happy Boss Day, you deserve it! All of us appreciate your guidance and leadership, thanks for everything!

22.) Happy Boss Day to someone who always knows exactly how to bring out the best in people.

23.) Today, if you think I'm going to tell you what a great manager you are and how easy it is to work for you. Well, you'd be right.

24.) Do you know why you make a really good manager? Because you are a role model first and a boss second. Happy Boss Day!

25.) We all think you are a good leader, but you are an even better person and for that, we say, "Let's eat cake!"

26.) It seems like every time there's a problem, you have a solution. You're a patient problem solving is an example to us all.

27.) You are that rare combination of someone who can listen to and deal with complaints, but also give perfect compliments. Thank you.

28.) As our leader, we all look up to you, and as our mentor, we all learn from you. You inspire us every day. Happy Boss Day!

See 117 Good Management Quotes.

Best Happy Boss Day Messages image

Funny Happy Boss Day Messages

29.) I know I'm your favorite employee, but on Boss Appreciation Day, I wanted you to know that everyone else thinks you like them too.

30.) To the person whose job I never (ever, ever) want. Happy Boss Day!

31.) Well, I wasn't very productive today as I was picking out your card.

32.) You are living proof that you don't have to be bossy to be a great boss!

33.) To the ringleader of this circus that we call, "Work." You make the show exciting every day!

34.) Well, they said herding cats would be easier. By now, you've learned they were right.

35.) All the other managers being complimented today are just being lied to — but not you!

Boss Day Card Ideas

36.) Best. Boss. Ever.

37.) Thanks for being such a great leader.

38.) The best perk about working here is having you as my manager.

39.) You're the best manager I've ever had and I'm not just saying that because I want a raise.

40.) Not everybody is lucky enough to have a boss like you, we consider ourselves the luckiest employees ever.

41.) You set the best example and you give the most support. Thank you for being our manager.

Boss Day Quotes

42.) If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss, he doesn't have tenure.
Bill Gates

43.) There is only one way to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.
Dale Carnegie

44.) One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who follow you.
Dennis A. Peer

45.) A good manager is a man who isn't worried about his/her own career, but rather the careers of those that work for him.
H.S.M. Burns

46.) Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing.
Warren Bennis

47.) Leadership is an action, not a position.
Donald McGannon

Boss Day Ideas

48.) Bake a cake for the office to share.

49.) Throw a pot-luck lunch and everyone brings something.

50.) Create a gift basket to give to your boss.

51.) Organize a team-building event like an escape room, bowling, or ax throwing.

52.) Gift certificates are always appropriate. Your office could give your boss one to their favorite restaurant, sporting activity, or a cooking or painting lesson.

53.) If the corporate archives have a picture of the whole office, have it printed and framed.

54.) Throw a picnic or barbeque for lunch.

55.) A simple thank you note could do the trick.

56.) Get her/him a certificate, a ribbon or a trophy labeled…The Best Boss Ever!

57.) Make your manager the guest of honor for a comedy roast.

When is National Boss Day?

National Boss Day is slated for October 16 every year. Unless October 16 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case, National Boss Day is switched to the closest weekday. This day to recognize bosses can fall on any day of the week and the date is usually the 15, 16, or 17 of October.

History of National Boss Day

We have a secretary (Administrative Assistant) to thank for National Boss's Day. In 1958, Patricia Bays was working for State Farm Insurance in Illinois. She took the initiative to register "National Boss's Day" with the Chamber of Commerce. The reason she chose October 16th is that it was her father's birthday (he also happened to be her boss)

In 1962, Illinois made the day official with a proclamation from the Governor and in 1979, Hallmark adopted the day for selling cards. The rest is history and the day is now recognized Nationally in the United States and Canada.

Patricia Bays established the day because she wanted supervisors and employees to become closer and have a more relaxed working environment. Judging from the results, it looks like her plan succeeded.

How to Celebrate Boss's Day

On this day, there are lots of ways to acknowledge your boss and celebrate with her/him. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate Boss's Day:

Begin by telling them how special they are to work for. This can be done in person, via text, email, or hand-written note.

Everyone chips in and gets a greeting card for your boss. Everyone should sign it, make sure not to leave anyone out.

Make a donation to a charity in your boss's name.

Take your boss out for lunch or dinner, or a happy hour.

Give them a small but thoughtful gift. If you know their favorite flowers you can get those, or a book, or a magazine subscription.

Decorate the office like your boss's favorite hobby.

By Tim Moodie

Tim Moodie is his own boss now and works as a Freelance Copywriter and Creative Director. He did manage a small staff at one point. He spent many years writing funny messages for greeting cards, coffee mugs, and toilet paper for Recycled Paper Products.


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